Thursday, August 7, 2014

Caramelized Pineapple with Vanilla Ice Cream

Caramelized Pineapple with Vanilla Ice Cream
I have a fascination for kitchen gadgets. Over the years I have acquired a lot of them and my most recent acquisition is a handheld device that cores and slices pineapple. I love pineapple and within the past week have purchased 2 just so I can use the gadget.

I first had roasted pineapple a few years ago and make it a few times a year. It's great, muddled with basil and topped with bourbon or, if you're not gluten-free, as a topping for pound cake or left-over biscuits with homemade whipped cream.

Generally, I will buy a whole pineapple that has already been peeled from the produce department and roast it whole.  It takes about an hour and a half though, so it can't be a spur-of-the-moment dessert.   Since I have this nifty little device that takes all the work out of coring and slicing, I was able to fix this in about 15 minutes.  If you don't have one of these tools, just ask the produce department to slice a pineapple for you.

Necessary Tools...
10-inch skillet
Silicone spatula or wooden spoon

Ingredients…Makes 2-4 servings
     4 pineapple slices
     4 tablespoons unsalted butter (60 grams)
     4 tablespoons brown sugar (60 grams)

     2 tablespoons water
     Your favorite vanilla bean ice cream

  • Melt the butter and brown sugar in skillet over medium-high heat. Stirring often.
  • Add the pineapple rings to melted butter and sugar
  • Turn pineapple rings every 3-4 minutes to soften both sides
  • Add water to pan, as needed in small increments, if butter and brown sugar begin to burn or thicken too much
  • Remove from heat when pineapple is soft on both sides and golden brown (about 12-15 minutes)
    Caramelized Pineapple Slices
To serve...
  • Place 1 pineapple on plate
  • Top with vanilla ice cream
  • Pour remaining caramel sauce from pan over ice cream
  • If only serving 2-3 people, use the extra pineapple as garnish
    Caramelized Pineapple with Vanilla Ice Cream

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